The project
CHALLENGE project, started in January 2017, is proposing an original and strategic approach to nanotechnology innovation applied to power devices. CHALLENGE is a research project funded by the European Commissione under Horizon 2020 with the aim of developing an innovative, cost-effective, long lasting material, speeding up the up take of power- electronic devices based on a new material and its advanced properties and component. The project concentrates its activities on cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) growth, processing and device optimisation. This technology has the potential to produce a considerable impact in the future power device market
CHALLENGE is led by the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) of CNR and brings together 14 partners from 7 different countries.
Moverim activities
Moverim is supporting the consortium in maintaining interaction between partners and external stakeholders, fostering exploitation of research results, building up effective dissemination strategy, developing trainings paths and enhance awareness about Responsible Research Innovation. Moreover, the company is leading dissemination workpackage proposing IPR solutions for partners, dissemination and communication activities and facilitating networking towards early adopters.
Moverim with the support of all the partners will:
• Outline the activities to be implemented during the project CHALLENGE in order to promote its achievements among European stakeholders, lead users, and corresponding institutions in and beyond Europe;
• Define the target audiences, dissemination tools and communication channels;
• Specify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for estimating the effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented activities;
• Describe the expected impact of the communication and dissemination activities on the exploitation of the results;
• Provide graphical support for coherent and appealing communication, with direct link to the project CHALLENGE and the funding program.
• Promote the overall acceptance of the CHALLENGE research on 3C-SiC by the industrial integrators, customers and end-users, and on the realization of power devices on this material;
• Provide background for development of successful individual exploitation plans by partners;
• Allow for knowledge transfer to targeted interest groups
o by publishing the project results in dedicated high impact factor journals provided that all measures to protect the intellectual property are taken;
o by technology transfer cases of licensing, patenting, joint venture creation;
o by development, manufacturing and commercialization of new products and services;
• Support clustering actions to raise awareness about CHALLENGE technologies and products for application in various sectors;
• Enhance the visibility of the EU-funded research on new advanced materials for power electronics based on wide band gap semiconductor devices technology among the scientific, industrial and public communities;
• Enhance the knowledge and skills of young researchers in the preparation of communication and dissemination tools for achieving high economical, societal and scientific impacts