The project
The CHESS project – Creative Intrapreneurship Empowerment Skills – aims at providing an integrated support, tailored to the needs and specificities of young people in the age group 20-29 from the creative industries, who either already possess working experience, or have never been employed. The project started in September 2019 and it has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
CHESS partners will develop and validate innovative integrated training tools and materials to increase young people motivation and self-awareness, create incentives for acquiring new intrapreneurship-related skills and promote their efficient and sustainable integration into employment and society.
Project team
CHESS is coordinated by the Danish Institute for Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship (DISIE).
Project partners are: Forum delle Camere di Commercio dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio (AIC Forum), Italy; BICERO, Business Informatics Center Rozman Ltd., Slovenia; Foundation ADELE, Bolgaria; Moverim Consulting Sprl, Belgium; Asociatia SIMO, Romania