Novel biomimetic strategy for bone regeneration

The project

INNOVABONE was funded as an integrated project under EU FP7 programme and gathered together 14 partners coordinated by the University of Vienna. INNOVABONE was a very successful project able to manage a very heterogeneous consortium to release bioinspired biomaterials mimicking the natural physiological processes underlying bone repair. INNOVABONE approach was able to test smart bioactive 3D scaffolds to fit within bone lesions using a low cost bioreactor.

The project produced injectable material able to improve the bone repair and healing thanks to the new kind of protein experimented by Innovabone researchers. Project partners developed as well an online platform to collect, catalogue and track samples of scientific experiments that are exchanged by researchers. This useful tool together with the integrated platform for testing real time in vitro degradation gave to the project a high added value in terms of project management and time consuming.


Moverim activities

Moverim is proud to be partner of the INNOVABONE international consortium.
Being leader of the training and Transfer of Knowledge workpackage, Moverim was responsible for planning and implementing training sessions, workshops and webinars through its online platform for researchers, PhD students and lectures. Trainings organized by Moverim were of two main kinds: online through webinars and onsite during the main project meetings and covered a large range of topics from Animal testing to liquid proteins.

Moverim was also in charge for the organization of Clustering activities with the participation of other EU projects in the same field of interest, setting and moderating participatory formats to reach consensus around the future roadmap for research and innovation in collaboration with the European Commission.

The networking and exchange of capacity building were among of the main outcomes of the project clustering actions and thanks to Moverim support, partners were able to take part to two main events organized with several other EU funded projects and its stakeholders: the Clustering day and the final conference.
The idea to meet with actors of other projects financed in the same scientific area was mainly for sharing common interests and objectives, cooperating on some cross cutting issues emerging in the everyday life of the project. Innovabone Clustering day promoted networking on a European scale, better knowledge of each other’s, future collaborations, participation to education activities, workshops and conferences, discussion on common interests as the future regulatory requirements and procedures. The project invited 8 EU funded projects all dealing with nano and advanced materials, biomaterials and their applications to medicine for the EU industrial competitiveness, for the benefit of the society, for the innovation of the health care systems and for the fight against human diseases. The projects were discussing a new vision of EU research needs, by considering the stakeholders and end users of the projects outcomes at the center of interest After the success of the final conference, EC asked to give visibility to this process and public involvement through an EU publication entitled “Towards nanotech osteochondral reconstruction” that was retained during the decision making process to the definition of thenew H2020 WorkProgramme for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology.