P2GreeN: Moverim partner of new Horizon Europe Project!
Il 1° dicembre, grazie ad un consorzio formato da 32 organizzazioni partner, prenderà inizio P2Green, un progetto che svilupperà soluzioni innovative per trasformare i rifiuti sanitari umani in fertilizzanti. Un consorzio con partner provenienti da 12 Paesi europei e...
Do Horizon 2020 projects support the zero pollution goal?
La relazione della Commissione europea, recentemente pubblicata, fornisce una breve panoramica sul contributo di alcuni progetti Horizon 2020 nei confronti delle nove iniziative faro del Piano d’azione per l’inquinamento zero (ZPAP). Questo rapporto fornisce una breve...
Moverim at 12° Renovate Europe Conference
Renovate Europe is a political communication campaign which aims to reduce the energy demand of the EU building stock by 80% by 2050 through ambitious legislation and renovation programmes. With this goal in mind, on Thursday 27 October 2022 was held the annual...
Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum
Another networking opportunity for Moverim! On the 18th of October, Moverim took part in the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place (COMIF-EEFMP), which, since 2018, has been an excellent opportunity to learn about successful...
MOVERIM at European Regions Week 2022 with I2latam!
The European Week of Regions and Cities (EURegionsWeek) is the largest annual event in Brussels dedicated to cohesion policy and organised by the European Commission, together with the European Committee of the Regions. Under the motto “New Challenges for European...
MOVERIM at the European Sustainable Energy Week
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW2022), Europe's largest annual event dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency and organised by the European Commission, took place from the 26th to the 30th of September 2022. The 2022 edition focused on the theme...
EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS IN HORIZON EUROPE: first calls in co-funded Cluster 5 and Cluster 6 partnerships
Moverim also participated in the INFO DAY HORIZON EUROPE - EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS: first calls in co-funded partnerships Cluster 5 and Cluster 6, held on the 21st and the 22nd of September. The event was organised by APRE, in cooperation with MUR and MISE, to introduce...
Quest’anno si terrà la 20esima edizione dell’EU Regions Week, il più grande evento dedicato alle politiche di coesione dell’UE, organizzato dalla Commissione Europea. La European Week of Regions and Cities La European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek), che...
Moverim e la prima edizione del New European Bauhaus Festival!
Dall’8 al 12 giugno 2022 si è tenuta la prima edizione del New European Bauhaus Festival promosso dalla Commissione europea. Il Festival è stata un’occasione per riunire un vasto pubblico con l’obiettivo di promuovere il dialogo su un futuro “sostenibile”, “inclusivo”...
The EIC AI-based Platform for the design and funding of innovation projects
In 2021, the European Innovation Council (EIC) re-launched the EIC Accelerator financing tool, dedicated to the expansion of potentially revolutionary innovation projects developed by start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The greatest innovation...