Events’ Insights

Moverim at the European Startup Village Forum!

Moverim at the European Startup Village Forum!

On the 28th of February Moverim participated in the European Startup Village Forum. The event took place at the Berlaymont building, the headquarters of the European Commission.  What is the European Startup Village Forum?  The European Startup Village Forum was set...

Moverim at the P2GreeN kick-off meeting!

Moverim at the P2GreeN kick-off meeting!

The project P2GreeN is a Horizon Europe project, with a consortium of 32 partner organizations from 12 European countries plus Switzerland, aiming to “close the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows”. The project’s main objective is to foster a...

Moverim at 12° Renovate Europe Conference

Moverim at 12° Renovate Europe Conference

Renovate Europe is a political communication campaign which aims to reduce the energy demand of the EU building stock by 80% by 2050 through ambitious legislation and renovation programmes. With this goal in mind, on Thursday 27 October 2022 was held the annual...

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum

Another networking opportunity for Moverim! On the 18th of October, Moverim took part in the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place (COMIF-EEFMP), which, since 2018, has been an excellent opportunity to learn about successful...

MOVERIM at European Regions Week 2022 with I2latam!

MOVERIM at European Regions Week 2022 with I2latam!

The European Week of Regions and Cities (EURegionsWeek) is the largest annual event in Brussels dedicated to cohesion policy and organised by the European Commission, together with the European Committee of the Regions. Under the motto “New Challenges for European...

MOVERIM at the European Sustainable Energy Week

MOVERIM at the European Sustainable Energy Week

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW2022), Europe's largest annual event dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency and organised by the European Commission, took place from the 26th to the 30th of September 2022. The 2022 edition focused on the theme...

XXV Conferenza AVI

XXV Conferenza AVI

Moverim alla XXV Conferenza AVI su “Material, Interfaces, Processes in Industrial and Basic Research Application” L’Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia (AIV) ha tenuto la sua XXV Conferenza su “Materials, Interfaces, Processes in Industrial and Basic...

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